February 2022 FFO Newsletter (1.3)
Click on the image below to read the February 2022 Facilitating Faculty Online Newsletter.
Click on the image below to read the February 2022 Facilitating Faculty Online Newsletter.
Today the Academic Technology Services (ATS) team is receiving the President’s Team Excellence Award for Douglas College. Our work covers everything from designing technology for new learning spaces to training for Blackboard, from filming graduation ceremonies to rolling out BlueJeans … Continued
By Steven Bishop I am getting better at answering the question, “What you are talking about is important, but what does that have to do with technology?” This question is probably more implied, and probably more personal and internal, than … Continued
Media creation (videos for class instruction or promotional activities, podcasts, etc.) is everywhere these days. Think YouTube, Lynda.com, the Khan Academy. This is the new way of acquiring knowledge and delivering your message to large audiences. Creating video and audio … Continued